Old Man New XL Toy

Hi Louis,
Congratulations on the purchase of the Shapeoko! There are some highly useful additional accessories that will assist you when performing operations with the machine, a Touch Probe/Bit Zero and a Bit Setter will greatly enhance the the precision/accuracy and workflow. Unfortunately they are out of stock right now but they will be back soon.
You also may want to purchase some end mills while you are waiting for the shipment. They have a [Shapeoko Endmill Starter Pack] (https://shop.carbide3d.com/collections/cutters/products/shapeoko-cutter-starter-pack?variant=29461810348093) at the Carbide 3d Store that has everything you will need to get started.
For software, Carbide3d has a free version of Carbide Create and they have just made Carbide Create Pro free for a year!

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