Open Vectors. This is fun

Hello All
I have a drawing I am having fun trying to close the vectors on. Spent a bunch of time going all the way around to find any issues. There is only one spot that looks strange when I zoom in.

While zoomed in I tried to Node Edit. It does not show an issue.

Never came across that.


Same area zoomed out, extreme right corner.


I have two, so I node edit one to show a complete image.


When I ask it to Join Vectors, this is what I get.

Any Ideas Please

So I joined vectors, Line appeared as I showed. With nothing left to lose I Node Edited. CC drew the line in as shown. Node Edited, when done the image was complete, joined, finished.

It must have been the extra lines.

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Or the path ordering of the lines in question — it might be useful as a test case if you could send in the original file.

Sorry, I deleted the images from the original after I found my fix.

Thanks for the offer. I can see where you are probably right

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