Openning dfx file in carbide create issue

Hello. I downloaded dfx file from here and tried to open it in carbide create.
Here is what it looks like when it opened. Looks weird.

Here is what the file looks like when open it in fusion 360. Opens normally.

I’m using carbide create on OSX build 431

any ideas why this happens and how to fix it?

Thank you

I’ve noticed some odd geometry from DXF imports lately, You can try iimporting into another program and saving as an SVG and then import that into CC.

I’ll take a look at the file in a few

Dxf is a horrible format… different programs create different variations of dxf. Some are correct according to the “standard” and some are not. Programs that import dxf have to try to deal with all these crazy variations.

If you send that file to and ask them to look at it - they will likely fix the import problem in the next Carbide Create update.

Meanwhile, using an intermediary program such as Inkscape and then export as an SVG will often work well… but the extra step is a PITA.

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Thank you Michael and Andy. I’m new to carbide and cnc so still learning.


Here is your desired file. I just opened up the AI file and exported it as an SVG file.
This should import into CC much better.

Hope this helps.

Also for future reference on stuff like this check out it’s part of the Carbide 3D community and members from here share files on there.


Thank you. That worked

what program did you use?

I used Adobe Illustrator to open up the corresponding file in the zip and then used the export feature.

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