Opt Laser Ooperation

I purchased an Opt Laser PLH 3D XT and have mounted it to the front of my Shapeoko Pro XXL with an 80mm PwnCNC Spindle on an upgraded HDZ plate. Unfortunately, there is not much specific data on how to make all the connections. The Opt Laser website shows instructions for models that look to be older than the one I purchased and, as far as I can tell, totally skips any technical schematics or outlines on which wire goes where or what they do.

As you can tell, I am relatively new to the CNC world but not a total novice. However, when it comes to lasers, novice would be an understatement. Therefore, I am seeking help from someone who understands how to connect the control cable to the V3.0c control board and what I need to do to make the laser do what it is supposed to do.

I also purchased a Lightburn license along with the laser, but I cannot get the software to recognize the laser when it is powered on. I have read enough to know that in order to run the laser, the GRBL needs to be changed from spindle mode to laser mode by sending $$32-1 to the GRBL, but beyond that, I am at a total loss. I cannot find a manual or machine-specific instructions that walk you through the connection to the testing to begin a project. There are some videos, but they all assume that you are either an expert at this or an electrical engineer, which I am not.

If anyone has any direction for me, please let me know. Thank you very much.

I think the SO4 Pro has the same controller as all but the SO5. So likely you can follow the instructions for an SO3.

Whom did you purchase the OPT laser from? That should be your first point of contact.

You could also email OPT Laser for support. They are in Poland so give them a day or two to get back to you. Also asked them if they could recommend a local distributor that could provide some support

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