Oramask residue

Does anyone have a tip or trick to avoid and or remove residue after removing the film?

I use a different brand of masking, but I’ve never had it leave any residue. Even after having been on the part for a week.

Texas here to sir. Thanks for the info. I just read where people suggest using blue tape or scrap oramask to remove residue. I’m going to give that a shot.

I have some Oramask but dont remember what number it is. There are a lot of models of Oramask. Typically use Easy Liner Removable Adhesive Shelf Liner for a mask. It is available at Walmart, Lowes and other retailers and is local so if I need it you just go and get it and dont have to wait for delivery.

No matter what masking you use it is best to press it down with a J roller to get good adhesion. However if a lot of fine detail the mask tends to get picked off. Larger carvings seem to do well but the more intricate and small the better chance that some of it will be pulled off by the cutter.

So check which oramask you have and try another version of oramask if you like it. Try the Easy Liner (Has the little duck on it) and see if that works better.

Here is a google search about Oramask versions.

ORAMASK 810, 811, and 813 are all 3 mil calendered films with low tack removable adhesives. 811 and 813 are for smooth, flat surfaces. Oracal designed 810 for flexible or uneven surfaces. You can buy it with a solvent based adhesive in the 810S version.

don’t use oromask use sheetrock mud works 10x better

I have had the same issue with Oramask on Acrylic.

I thought about mud on a previous project but was in a hurry and the set time turned me off. I didn’t want to wait a day.

How long do you usually let it set and is there a particular brand you like? Seems like it would get embedded in the pores but I guess not that deep.

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