Origional 883 Pro - Bad Spindle?


I have on original 883 Pro. It has been sitting for several years. I finally had a project I could use it on and dusted it off last night. While using it I was noticing the spindle motor would randomly stop. So I reset everything and tried out the MDI as a diagnostic.

With the spindle off of the work piece after a couple seconds of starting up the spindle it would make a grinding noise and would stop and no further commands would re-activate short of a power cycle and restarting carbide motion. I was able to spin the spindle by hand and didnt notice any grittiness in the motion, though I could feel a bit of cogging, but I believe that is inherent to any stepper motor driven system. So in an effort to further diagnose I disconnected the drive belt and spun the motor and it was able to reach full speed and hold with no noise or stalling. Upon re-connecting the drive belt and running a test the noise was even worse. I can only assume the bearings in the spindle have gone bad even though they feel fine when spun by hand.

Is there a way to service the spindle, or are replacements available. I checked the store and didnt see replacement parts listed. Or is there something else you suggest I check before firing up the parts cannon?


Check in with support@carbide3d.com and we will work out how to handle this.