Over my head with flag carve

Hey all,

I am designing a flag with an emblem and some text in V-carve to then use CM on my Shapeoko 4 XL to carve. However, I am a little over my head, I think the file looks pretty good but if possible I was trying to get the logo and the text to stand out with it carved around it. I am attaching my file if anyone can take a look and help me through this. I have watched a few videos but can’t seem to accomplish what I want but these forums are always so helpful with these kind of things.

Here is the link to the file : American Flag w/ MTFW Logo since it is a vcarve file it wouldn’t let me just upload it to the forum.

I have edited this post with a new link so hopefully it works

I tried to access file but google said I did not have permission. You may need to go to google drive and give permission to anyone. You could also just upload it directly into the forum by just dropping the file into the “Reply” box…

Hmmm…It says anyone with the link should be able to download it. I also tried to drag and drop the file but it says it is not an authorized extensions (it’s a .crv file)

*edit: @gdon_2003 I have revised the link and I think it should work now.

I had a look at your file in VCarve. I think it looks okay.

If you want the text raised, then you’ll probably have to lower the surrounding surface before you VCarve it.

To do that, draw a rectangle around the flag and then do your VCarve of the rectangle and the logos with a nice set of clearance bits. This will effectively “invert” what is raised and what is lowered,

Then cut the flag design out with a starting depth equal to the Flat Depth of your logo’s VCarve.

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