Paint sprayer suggestions

Anyone found a paint sprayer they like? I am thinking a sprayer that would be good for painting letters.
We have an inexpensive HomeRight that my wife has used for furniture but I was thinking of something with easier cleanup.

I bought an airbrush and it does not work well. Takes 10 minutes to paint 1 lettter.

This was recommended on this forum years ago. So easy to use and clean.

I have an Earlex 5000 HVLP sprayer but is not really good for fine painting. I also have an air brush and that works well but both the Earlex and the Air Brush take considerable time to clean up after use. There is no fast clean up with sprayers.

I use a 1/4" brush for a lot of painting of acrylic paint for small CNC projects. That works well and the clean up is fast. So I can have a project with 3 colors and just wash out the brush between colors and dry it with a paper towel and just keep painting. I tend to buy tube acrylic paint at Walmart and Hobby Lobby and some of that is rather thick to spray through an air brush. You can thin the paint with water but buying Air Brush paint specific makes it flow through the air brush better. Thick tube acrylic is hard to get the flow through an air brush.

Here is the Masters Touch 1/4" flat brush I like and use all the time.

There are a lot of tutorials on youtube about air brushing. Setting pressure and flow are important so if you are not geting much paint sprayed at once maybe your air pressure is low or your paint is too thick. Certain colors just take 2 or more coats. On most of my projects I put a seal coat of Zinnser Universal Sanding Sealer (Dewaxed Shellac) to help seal the wood and to keep excess paint from being asorbed around letters that make a halo effect. Sealing our work will make for a better outcome.

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I have been using the Wagner Paint sprayer I received as a gift.
Wagner Paint Sprayer from Menards.
This has worked great for me for both paint, stain and poly.
Easy to clean as well.

Hope this helps.

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