Pause with Spindle stop feature request

Hi All software tech’s,

I have a Pro-5 and run vCarve and Carbide Create. The other day I forgot to change over the bit so I hit PAUSE thinking that the VFD would stop but, it did not.

My request is: … to add a spindle stop to the PAUSE button.

… or maybe I am missing something that it did not work?



With a VFD spindle, you can hit the red enable button on the box. However if you swap an endmill mid-program like that, there’s no guarantee the height of the cutter is identical to the previous one and you’ll most likely ruin your cut by having the machine go too deep/shallow. The right thing to do is cancel the program, load the correct tool, and start over.


Hi Winston,

I do understand that I would loose the 0-Z axis changing a tool mid cut.

My suggestion was to … when one hits the pause button the spindle stops, jogs up, then ask if tool needs to be measured, Y or N. Either way it resumes from the point of hitting the pause button.

It would help if one forgot to load the correct tool but remembers right after hitting the resume button … as I did.

Part was 1-hour into cutting and only had 2-minute left. Starting over … well yes that is an option but another hour of cutting free air for a simple mistake.

Thanks for listening to me.

I can say with certainty that it’s not possible to do what you’re asking. The behaviour of the machine when paused is baked into the firmware of the machine, not Carbide Motion. And all that extra action and prompting would create more input needed for the 99% of people who don’t need to/want to see it. The behaviour of the pause feature on the Shapeoko 5 is modeled after that of industrial machines, so that you can pause quickly, assess the situation, and resume instantly when you have confidence you can continue.

However, it is on our roadmap to add the feature to be able to (re)start a program at an arbitrary point in the file. Additionally, you could simply export a version of your program with the preceding operation disabled. Since it happened between two operations that require different tools, it should be pretty easy to isolate that exact moment and make the necessary changes. Walking over to the computer you made the program on, though inconvenient, is usually better than an hour of waiting.


I thought this would not be possible but it looks like it is a possible and therefore a feasible future feature.

The Masso is a vastly different control system.


If you haven’t moved your piece, can you disable all the tool paths in your design and reload the file into CM with only the remaining toolpath active? You should be able to re-zero the z-axis before starting…

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