Pcb fail. tries to engrave base plate

I created a straightforward PCB design in EasyEDA with the intention of milling it using my Nomad. After some searching, I came across a recommendation for FlatCAM on a website. I attempted to familiarize myself with it, but found it to be quite daunting. Instead, I decided to try Carbide Copper, which turned out to be a great alternative.

I located the corner of my PCB and connected the copper to the edge finder, then used Carbide Motion to run the Z probe. Everything seemed perfectly positioned, so I initiated the milling process. However, to my surprise, the machine proceeded to move to 0,0, completely disregarding the edge findings I had meticulously done. It attempted to mill into the base and ended up getting jammed by the MDF board, thankfully without causing much damage.

I’ve attached the code file and the Gerber for reference. If possible, I’d prefer not to use FlatCAM, as I’ve found Carbide Copper to be seamlessly integrated. I also came across some information suggesting that Carbide Motion might be the culprit, although I’m not entirely certain.
here is the code file:
copper (2).nc (18.6 KB)
here is the gerber:
Gerber_simple-led-with-9v-bat_PCB_simple-led-with-9v-bat_2024-04-15.zip (5.3 KB)

okay so this might be a long shot since I am bad at this kinda stuff but I think maybe putting g92 x0 y0 z0 prior to g90 might do something??

new update I learned flatcam took some time and now it is staying where I marked it to but it is still trying to dig down to the base of the machine. I feel bad for my engraving bit going through the PCB at like 1000 mph. I think I might try a new gcode sender next unless anyone has any ideas.

final solution was I was using the bit zero wrong oops, and I needed to add a G10 L20 P1 X0 Y0 after the first g00.
here is the gcode:
sum.nc (17.4 KB)

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