Does anyone know if the pinouts on the molex microfit connector on the opposite side of power/USB of the v3 boards that ship with the Shapeoko 4 are the same as what’s shown here:
I’m trying to implement a simple relay based on/off switch using a 2 channel 5v relay module and set $30 to something low like 1000 so any M3 S#### commands would basically set the PWM pin to high and turn on the relay module for both the router and the shopvac.
I’m also guessing the PWM pin on that port front molex microfit is the same as the headless pin towards the other end of the board one of which is labeled PWM?
A word of caution: be very careful if checking the pins that come out of the Molex connector to the board. I was doing exactly what @Julien suggested and my voltmeter probe slipped onto the 24V rail and I had the dreaded puff of smoke.
Good point. On second thought, don’t check the PWM signal, at least not there at the connector. The other end of the cable you intend to use, at the relay side, would be a safer place to check it especially since you will likely not have connected the 24V pin at all.
yes I was going to use my portable oscilloscope/MM to test but I was honestly too lazy and the garage is too hot these days where I am I don’t have a microfit connector anyway and I had soldered a JST header to the 4 pin slot on the other end of the board. I will need the 5V to power the relay module anyway so I figured it would be better to go from there. Thanks for the info @Julien and @Gerry