Please tell me what layer(s) I have selected

When I select an object in Design, the Info box has some useful information such as size, etc. It would be nice to also tell us the layer or layers of the selected objects. Or perhaps the Layers window could put something like an asterisk in front of all the layers involved in the current selection.

Currently, once I select something, the color changes to orange so I can’t tell what layer it is. I then need to deselect it and then I sometimes still can’t tell the color to figure out the layer.



Agreed. Layers is such an important feature but it feels like a complete afterthought in CC. Pretty much every graphics package since the 1990s has a layers feature and they all handle them in a very similar way.

Please add layers to the main view, not a separate window, and make it easier to manage and see what is in a particular layer. It would be awesome (just like with many graphics/vector programs) to have each layer be expandable so you could just toggle it open and see/select every object and group inside it.

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