Pocket leaving an island

Any idea why a pocket would leave a middle island?

1/8” bit originally

Tried same command with the 201 - 1/4” and it left it was well.

There is no geometry inside this shape.

Make sure your stepover is set to 50% or less of the bit diameter.


I have seen this multiple times when your stepover is set to 50%. As @wmoy make your stepover less than 50% to eliminate this.

You can just take a chisel and clean that up once already machined.

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Thank you. The stepover was 100%.

A couple of very strange things:

  1. Simulation did not show it leaving this sizable piece.
  2. I have run this cut two other times and not had this issue. I definitely did not change the stepover on this toolpath or in the database. Related – I have seen my depth change as well. I broke a bit. When I investigated the Depth per Pass was set to 6mm. I KNOW I didn’t change that and the database for the tool is set to 3. I don’t understand how specific tool settings are changing.

It is hard to say why this happens but it is likely a combination of things. Slight slop in the movement of the CNC or it could be rounding errors if you are using inches. Under the cover the machines uses metric to move the machine. So when you use inch it is converted to metric and sometimes you get very small rounding errors and that is possibly why very small islands are created. Such are the mysteries of life.

Looks like you are running into this bug: