Pocket Rest Wasted Pathing

I’m making a sign and am using rest machining for the first time. I’m using 1/2" endmill to remove most of the material first pass, then 1/4" endmill, and finishing with a 1/8". Carbide Create’s estimate on machining time went way down once I folded in the 1/2" which was great, but now on the second bit and there seems to be a lot of wasted motion where the 1/4" endmill thinks it has more to remove than it truly does.

Tried posting a video but that file type is not allowed to upload I guess. Suffice it to say, the path with the 1/4 endmill runs right down the central path that’s already been cleared by the 1/2". So going over the exact same path is wasted motion. In other words, I really just need it to clean up the tight corners.

What should I be considering here?

MannaPro Arena – tile 3.c2d (224 KB)

Ok, so I have a little more information. In the half-inch screenshot below, the red path shows that Carbide Create doesn’t expect the 1/2 bit to run the full course of the letters. So then, it is telling the 1/4 path to make those runs.

But Carbide Motion DID run that path on the 1/2 bit. Why the difference, and how do I correct?
half inch toolpath
quarter inch toolpath

Sorry I cannot help you with Rest machining, but the way I share videos on here is to upload them to YouTube as an unpublished video. Then I just paste the direct link to the video here.

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Wasted toolpath

Interesting! If you change the Previous Diameter to 0.250 in the 1/4" path, it does exactly what you would expect it to do with a 0.500 previous diameter. ???

Very strange. I’d prefer not to have to lie to the machine to get it to do what I want. This seems like a bug.

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The machine has no thumbs to hold a phone to tattle on you for lying. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

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