Possible CC Defect - Text Arc Settings Lost

Just to get it out of the way, regardless of the cause; this is infuriating when it happens. Now hopefully I can provide a calm and rational description of what’s occurring, while I stew within.

Something happens to the arc text settings, between Save/Exit and app start and open file where all text arc settings are lost

Everything had been setup as I wanted it and I had used the file for the first series of cuts, which completed as expected. I had saved, exited and opened other files throughout the day and when reopening this file, it was fine. I opened it this morning to continue with my project and all the arced text is now straight - all 20 of them.

I set this up by creating a master object in the lower left and then assigning toolpaths until it looks how I want it to look. Once that is done, I copy it with the Linear Array feature.

Today when I opened the file the arced text was trashed. Because I’ve already cut part of this project I can’t go back and fix the original object and copy it again with he array. After copying I moved the stack and manually spaced a couple of them to fit them on the stock - I have to redo the text 20 times now and hope I get them close to matching. Sorry, digressing in to frustration again.

I’ve had this happen a few times, not always, but more than a couple times over the past year. This began happening before the last production version of CC, so it’s not new.

System Info:
MacBook Pro
Free drive space 27GB
13-Inch 2020 (M1)
macOS Sonoma 14.4.1
Carbide Create V764

It looks like it lost the arc setting, and the alignment (Now left instead of center).
Is the font correct? and the size?
If you edit one of them, and enable arc text, is it in the right spot?

Can you share the file? (Hint: If you disable all the toolpaths it will save a lot smaller.)

I thought I had set the text to be centered, but when I started fixing it, it was Left-aligned.

The font face and size were still correct.

When I enabled the arc (text on bottom) it was not in the correct location or arc.

To fix the issue, I deleted all the ‘broken’ text except for one. Realigned it, copied it and pasted and aligned them individually. Better than redefining the arc on each.

Below is the file (thanks for the tip on saving), but I’ve already fixed the text, so unless the issue reoccurs, it should appear as intended.

Kitsune Coaster Board Single Line Font - FIXED Text.c2d (1.8 MB)


I had a similar situation a while back. It turned out that I forgot to hit the Convert to Curves button.

Is that required to ‘save’ the layout?

I don’t usually convert text to curves unless necessary. i leave it as text so it’s easier to revise later.

I don’t know that it is required to save as curves to keep the formating. It’s just that is what worked for me.

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I tried to recreate the text problem and could not do it. Inspected the original file and made a new one, without issue.
Send along a non repaired file if it happens again. I’m more than happy to check it out.

  • Kevin

Hi Kevin - thanks for taking a look at it. I don’t have a non-repaired version; I saved it as soon as I made the fix. I deleted some notes etc from the file I uploaded - that’s the only difference.

I’m not able to recreate it at-will either. I suspect something is going on with copying text with an arc (and/or using text on the bottom) that may have toolpaths assigned to them, but I can’t recreate it to prove it. I worked on the file several times throughout the day, closing it to work on other things and then coming back to it and it was fine. It looked fine when I saved it at the end of the day. When I opened it first thing this morning I saw the issue. I closed CC without saving and I wasn’t prompted to save changes then reopened the file but it looked the same.

On this occasion I had just the one line of text (copied 19 times), but previously when this has occurred I’ve had more than one set of text that has had an arc and all of them are affected, so something is happening globally to those settings, either in the save or the app close process.

Thanks again.

Sure thing. I’m interested to see your next file with this error. Thanks for bringing it up.
We’ll get it rooted out.