In wood, with a good dust shoe, I think it’s doable (especially since the cut goes from the inside to the outside, so there will always be a good amount of stock surface left under the shoe to not lose too much suction).
But, yes, slotting can be hard. You could indeed do most of the toolpaths as pockets instead of slots, by adding extra geometry (say a circle that is 1.5xD larger), and use pocketing toolpaths instead of contour toolpaths. @WillAdams has a nice thread about this for CC here.
Note that this would work for cutting the medium and medium to L parts, but that space between the L and XL circles is only 6.5mm wide I already had to tune stock to leave and lead-in/lead-out to avoid collisions there, so that part will remain a slotting toolpath…or you would need to change to a smaller endmill.
Also note that somehow we are already taking care of the slotting situation with the 0.5mm radial stock to leave, and subsequence finishing passes: even if the slotting passes are a bit brutal (well not that brutal, 50%D for DOC is not that high), we don’t really care if they will a poor finish.
If it were me, and cutting time was paramount, I would do this: try the full-slotting approach at an even more conservative DOC (say, 1.5mm), if it works increases DOC and see if it still works ok / until it doesn’t.