I’ve run into a small issue while assembling my pro xl which hope i can get a little help with. I’m at the stage where i’ve attached the gantry to the y rails and secured the belts. Next step in the instructions is to removed the shipping screws so the machine can be squared but my gantry is not moving nearly as freely as it appears in the assembly videos i’ve watched. I can slide it back and forth but it takes quite a bit of force. Any thoughts thoughts on where would be my best place to start to loosen things up a bit?
Once the shipping screw is removed there shouldn’t be any adjustment necessary (this is supposed to be done when the gantry is assembled) — are the rails and bearings well-lubricated?
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I haven’t added any additional lubrication, everything is fresh out of the box. I haven’t been able to source any of the Mobil Vactra wayoil here in Toronto yet.
How fast are you moving it? Does it move in a grindy/stutttery way? If so, disconnect the wires from the conttroller, and it should move quite smoothly.
Vactra way oil (boy, it’s expensive on amazon canada!). Should be able to find this repackaged in quart sizes on ebay.
I actually haven’t connected the controller yet, still in the early assembly stages. I don’t really want to continue with assembly until i figure this out because its definitely not moving freely. And yeah, those prices for Mobvil Vactra 2 on Amazon ca are crazy.
When you installed the Y rails, did you tighten, and then back out the shoulder bolts out 1/4 turn, as described on pages 10 and 11? Same for the six gantry bolts as described on page 20?
If you didn’t back them off, it will cause binding until you square up the machine. After it’s squared up, then tighten them all.
I’m pretty sure i left them loose but ill definitely go back and double check. I might take the whole gantry off and put it back on, just to make sure everything is seated correctly,. On the subject of lubrication, I came across this iso68 way oil on amazon ca, any thoughts on whether it might be a suitable replacement for mobil vactra 2? Just trying to find something i can use that’s a little easier to source in Canada that doesn’t cost a fortune.
Super Lube 60004 H3 Lightweight Oil, Translucent Clear : Amazon.ca: Tools & Home Improvement
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