I’m having trouble probing the corner of my workpiece. I haven’t run my shapeoko 3xxl in months. Just got working on a new project and reinstalled carbide motion because it was having trouble locating my machine.
When I probe the corner (with bitzero v1 appropriately selected) it lowers to the until contact, then moves up as it should, but then lowers again and just keeps going until it gets stuck. Then an error appears starting prb0004. I’ve never had this issue in the past and am at a loss.
I’ve seen people post with this issue before but haven’t seen any ultimate solution. Any help would be amazing.
On my SO3 XXL the only time I have had trouble with BitZero is if I did not have the bit over the little circle and less then 6MM from t he surface of BitZero. If I have the bit over the circle everything works fine. If it is not over the circle I suppose a macro is run to move the bit to the left and then to the front to touch the BitZero. I replaced my original clip, that kept popping off, with a magnet. The magnet holds better than the clip. Is your router grounded? Some routers only have two wire electrical plugs. Cannot remember if the Makita/C3D router has a 3rd prong for ground. If it does have the 3rd prong try grounding your router with a separate wire on the case (body) to see if that helps.