I have been using Carbide Create v5 irregularly for 2 years and was able to use vcarve with PCB engravers (#501 and #502) to engrave text and lines. I have upgraded to Carbide Create v7 and now any new tool paths I create don’t work. If I open an old file and run a simulation it shows everything right. If I re-create the exact same tool path (same tool, same depth, same vectors), in the same file it used to work, it fails. I’ve attached 2 versions of the file, one is the original created in v5, the second is where I re-created a tool path in v7 and it stopped working. Dial-engravings-silver - Copy.c2d (148 KB) Dial-engravings-silver.c2d (410.1 KB)
I tried looking for answers in the manual but it does not seem to have been updated since v5 and I cannot find this topic in the forum or on google.
Could anyone point me towards the relevant documentation or useful thread?
Thank you very much for testing it! I have version v756 and in the file called “copy” the hour markers are missing (it was the only part of the design I re-created in v7, sorry for not specifying that) from the simulation. Do you think there is a chance the simulation is not correct but the output file will be correct?
The problem is, these are defined as engravers, not as V tool, and the V carving toolpath only works properly with V tools in current versions, but the geometry of the #501 and #502 is not one which is supported per se in Carbide Create.
Thank you very much for pointing out Carbide Create did not recognize the engravers as V-bits, it led me to the solution. I created the 502 engraver as a V-bit in my tool library and now everything works (at least in the programme).
I would like to point out that version 5 of Carbide Create could handle v-carve with engravers with very good results (this is silver engraved with the #502 using the v-carve toolpath).