Profile logo size?

I finally decided to upload a logo to replace the generic icon with letter in my profile for the forum.
No matter how small I make the logo, the preview panel cuts it off and shows the same bits of it.

What parameters do I need to adhere to? Some of you guys have pretty detailed icons.

My understanding is that one option for this is:

That is one of the options but I had no idea what it really meant. I thought I could just get a image the right size and it would work.

What is the aspect ratio of the image? Try editing it so it’s square :wink:

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You are a genius blah blah to get to 20

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Easy with that ‘genius’ stuff. Don’t tell anybody!! :wink: Glad it worked, I was just guessing :smiley:


The golden guess Is morning-star to the full round of truth.
— Tennyson


The problem was that I was trying to fit a rectangular peg into a round hole.
I should have been using a square peg instead so that the corners all got pounded off evenly.


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