Project Swappable Controler Card-I knew that stuff was too cool to toss!

McGuiver nor the A Team never had the real item, they always made their own version out of broken pieces, so they could never had filmed an episode with a Shapeoko, Rails out of duct taped cardboard with v carved wheels from chair casters and a spare car engine for a spindle. Opps I giving Edward some ideas for the Shapeoko 4… And yes I realized your Shapeoko was in the midst of your endeavor. I designed the entire piping system for Launch pad 17B at Cape Canaveral, if you need any over the limit designing let me know. I never went to colledge (sp? see) except to deliver a helium tank to a frat house once. It is a lot of fun watching your efforts and it will be exciting to see your success. Hope all the best of luck and don’t give in to failure. We are all learning from you and thanks for being such a good sport. Jude

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They used what was at hand, and didn’t spend time fretting over what was not there. If there had been a Shapeoko there, and they had a need, they would have used it They cobbled what they didn’t have, and made use of what they did have… I have no fear of wrong turns, and find no shame in making one. I see Failure is what happens when a person is intimidated by a task to the point of giving up on it, everything else is just narrowing the field to what actually works! Progress comes from planning and work…I actually enjoy both!

On that note…I have the central AC blowing cold again!


The three switches came in form ebay and I took some time to strip the one I am primarily interested in.

These leaves are 12 position, single pole. I need two or three position multiple throw…so I will need to set up cleaning for the hardware, and take measurements off one of the wafers/leaves, then get to ordering,drawing, cutting, and etching some pcbs!


Awesome score!..

After more than a little apprehension, a controller replacement from Jorge(He really is a good egg!), and several unsuccessful attempts today, I finally have a second controller functioning with EstlCam! I can jog the machine in EstlCam meaning no more Bootloader blockage! My nerves are in need of a recharge, though the final success of this stumbling point is quite sweet! I still have to set up all the defaults for the XXL in Estlcams array…so any and all help will be greatly appreciated-as it will give me more time for sorting out the controller switching!

That said, In the interim I have still been sorting out a proper switch to route the chosen controller to the motors and switches of the Shapeoko… Suitables switch contacts are proving to be problem some of them need to deal with more current than I can find, At this point my plan is to make up a long shaft with cams to activate 3 position(on1 off on2) DPDT sliding switches-but I have not yet found suitable switches economically. I am finding it surprisingly difficult to find inexpensive 24Vdc 5amp switches.
If I cant find suitable switches, I will machine up copper cam lobes(insulating them from the common shaft) and suitable contacts and set up the same thing at a more basic level.


Wondering what resolved your “bootloader blockage”? Controller numero deuce? Other than extents of travel I’m and some alternate key-mapping for jog controls I think using all the default “Shapeoko 3” settings. It’s been so long since I commissioned the second board I have forgotten…

Looking forward to you “switch exploits” too!
Great work @YoMan

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Just had this drop in via email…I’ll go through it this week and thought I would share for any one else that might want some PCB experience in preparation for using Carbide Copper-instead of step #4!

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