Puck Style touch plate

Any chance of a simple flat bottom round puck type touch probe coming out? I have the Carbide touch probe but never really use the x and y function when probing… Maybe there’s one out there that is plug and play but I can’t find it. TIA

Any of them should work just fine. There’s nothing really fancy going on.

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Unless you’re using Carbide Motion. You’ll need one that’s 25mm thick.

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The Carbide touch probe is 22mm thick where the probe is measuring the Z height. The extra 3mm is the extra height on the two sides for indexing on the sides of the stock.

I only found this out by running across this probe on Amazon. Looks like a direct copy of the Carbide probe.

And there’s this on thingiverse as well. Dimensions of the touch probe and [rudimentary] PC board schematic.

EDIT: I’m right there with you. I have the Carbide touch probe, but I don’t use it. Mainly because I am still running CM V3, but also, 90% of my z-probing is not at a corner of my stock, but somewhere in the middle since I am usually clamping at the corners.

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Isn’t the whole thing 25mm? And don’t you set the whole thing on top when only probing Z?

I actually don’t know. I assume you used the lip on the two sides to index it on the corner of the stock material. But since I am not using CM V4 I have never actually used it yet.

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Neilferreri is correct the probe is 25mm thick when using it for Z only, it is 22MM thick when using for X, Y and Z.

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In what way is the Carbide 3D Probe not working well for you? Let us know at support@carbide3d.com and we’ll do our best to help.

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I will say I struggle with Z height restrictions as my machine has a 3/4in waste board and after I add something 1in+ and a bit that has a longer protrusion to the router, there is no longer room for the probe. If there was a lower profile probe I would be all in, even if it was a Z only.

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You can set the Probe on a conductive plate, Probe against the plate, and then adjust Z for the thickness of the Probe (25mm) and the plate.

You can use your own gcode to probe through the MDI if you insist on using Motion.

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That’s one of the reasons I won’t use CM any more - I can use the probe in the middle of the stock when Z probing.

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I bought one of the Kehuashina CNC Z-Axis Router Mill Touch Plate Mach3 Tool Setting Probe Milling plates. It’s kind of tall, about the same size otherwise as the carbide probe. I almost never use the x/y probe function. Did find that the sizes on the side of the probe are completely incorrect.

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