Push notifications for Tool Changes and Other Alerts / Mobile App

I’m using my Shapeoko 5 Pro for production, and it would be really nice to get either a text or email notification when it’s time to change the tool.

UPDATE: I don’t plan on leaving my shop that my machine is in when running. The machine is within a 10 second walk. However, constantly walking back to see when the tool change will be is kinda annoying. I’m sure I could do a work around where I split the job into the tool changes, then just use an estimated job complete time to check. However, that’s still annoying.

You have incredible faith that something is not going wrong if you are not in front or close to your machine to hear it stop and ask for a tool. Leaving a CNC machine unattended is dangerous. It is your machine but not being within ear shot is quite dangerous. Parts come loose and the speed of spindles/routers can start a fire.

Since C3D recommends constant monitoring of your machines while running I doubt they would implement any kind of notifications. They and I would expect you to be in front of your machine monitoring it so there would be no need for notificaitons. On occasion of long jobs I have left the shop to take a bathroom break but I am only gone the minimum amount of time. That is dangerous enough but not being close enough to hear what your Shapeoko is doing could lead to a disaster. Good Luck with that.


I fully agree with the previous posts—I’m always there to closely monitor my CNC machines and never leave them unattended.

IMHO, accidents can happen in a matter of seconds and can not only ruin the work, but worse yet, damage the machine itself.

Yes, good points. I should’ve specified in my post that I’m not actually leaving my shop, I’ll just be in the office portion, which is like <60 feet away. I’m really more interested in the notifications for tool changes so I don’t have to constantly walk over to the machine that’s in the shop portion, which makes my time for efficient.

Although you make a good point about fire safety when not right next to the machine. I think some type of fire detection attachment to the spindle or gantry would also be a good idea.

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We have had some discussion of that latter point: