I bought my Shapeoko 2 years ago and had to put it together in stages, while dealing with other things going on, so it took me almost 2 years to make the table for it and get it assembled. Before I ordered it, I had planned out carefully what I wanted and needed. I have a BitZero, BitRunner, and T-Tracks all installed and I know, since I got them, I originally planned on getting them and using them.
The problem is that, over the past 2 years, I’ve forgotten a few things and lost track of others. Now that I’m done I have parts that I don’t see in the instructions and I want to be sure I know if I need them or not. It’s also possible that some of these parts are not from my Shapeoko, but stuff that I left on the workbench that got mixed up with the Shapeoko parts.
So here’s the parts, in 2 photos:
I’m pretty sure the button with the black and white wire and the alligator clip with the red cover is a Z-axis probe or something like that.
The two bags in the lower right, with 2 items in each one, look like they contain something that’s part of a kind of s sensor switch. I would think they’re axis limit switches, but I know, from looking and testing, that the Shapeoko uses inductance switches for that function, not spring or reed switches.
I’m not at all sure what the wire and screws and other parts in the top left are.
I did consider drilling the holes in the wasteboard and using them for anchoring my project materials. I thought these parts might be used at a corner in assembly, but I don’t see where they would go, so I suspect that they’re for use when fastening project materials down to help position them and hold them in place.
Confirmation of my guesses or more information on these parts would be a nice help!