Putting a curve to fit inside a container

I am attempting to fit a valve body into a round container, the “puck” is 2.5" diameter and standing it up doesn’t seem to be a option, I have battled this for days and just can’t get it… I have attached photos are generally what I am looking for… Help!

Can’t you just cut out the profile and glue two pieces together?

Unfortunately that isn’t an option with this project, this product will be subjected to intense heat, steam and pressure so it will need to be 1 piece

Okay, model this using a 3D CAD tool, then export as an STL, then import into a 3D CAM tool.

You’ll need a long-reach tool, and workholding will be difficult.

Could you at least provide a dimensioned drawing of what you need and the necessary clearances?

What material will you be cutting?

The “puck” is 2.5" round, .50 thickness the outside edge will. be cut down to .30 thick, the material is PEEK plastic, I have been running this on a Genmitsu 3030 with a Makita router. Standing it up on edge would be my biggest challenge but the easiest… I would be afraid of vibration with that much cutting area but it would be considerably easier to do

I just had a thought… if I were to take a picture and convert the picture to black and white and do something similar to a mapping graph?

Okay, if I understand correctly, this is pretty simple to model using a tool such as Block/OpenSCAD:

(but I had to fudge some dimensions)

Code is (adjusted for radius vice diameter):


difference() {
  cylinder(r1=(2.5 * 25.4)/2, r2=(2.5 * 25.4)/2, h=(0.5 * 25.4), center=false);

    translate([0, (0.3 * 25.4), (0.15 * 25.4)]){
      cylinder(r1=(2.2 * 25.4)/2, r2=(2.2 * 25.4)/2, h=(0.2 * 25.4), center=false);
    translate([0, (2 * 25.4), (0.15 * 25.4)]){
      cylinder(r1=(2.2 * 25.4)/2, r2=(2.2 * 25.4)/2, h=(0.2 * 25.4), center=false);

and here is the STL:

puck_r.stl (130.6 KB)

which when imported into Carbide Create Pro:

and adjusted for dimension:

seems workable — it’s going to be tough to find a tool of a suitable length.

thanks… I’ll give it a go and see what happens… I’m attempting to find a tool that is at least 1.25 of cutting length. I love a good challenge

I use this one: https://www.cadencemfgdesign.com/product-page/1-4-extended-reach-upcut

It has 1.5” flute length and a relieved shank above that so in theory you can go deeper.