Putting a shape within an "Inside" contour, defaults to always cutting "Inside, even though Outside is selected

Because the word “perimeter” directly implies that there is an inside and an outside.

No Offfset does not, and instead, implies that all paths will be followed.

We’re going to agree to disagree. They’re all contour cuts…they should all follow all paths or not…it’s a question of consistency. The parameter is called “Offset Direction”, and is simply a statement of which DIRECTION relative to the identified path it’s running the bit - not which altered path it’s going to choose. It does not imply perimeter or anything else. The fact that it welds the shape (for me) when it does inside / outside is actually the fault. If I wanted a contour line around the outside of the welded shape, I would weld the shape and then run a contour.

This isn’t an important enough problem to worry about and changing it now would confuse people who rely on the behavior. Now that I know what it’s going to do, I can work around it…but it does cause problems like the original post here.

Peace. Gary.

When I reported the ‘Weld’ problem, one of the response was that when they accidentally followed ALL the contours, they got so many support calls / requests they were forced to change it back regardless of the merits of either choice. My problem was Advanced V Carve, but other wise identical.

They’ll never change it because it’s established behavior, and changing it would break too many existing projects.


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