Questions about V8

#1 I use the remove z height often e.g. I have a 3d model (e.g. a tree) and I want only the front half so I remove 50%. Is that coming back in v8?
#2 In order to create an array of 3d objects, I’ll export the relief, then import as many images as I need (is there an easier way to do this?). However, to import images in v8, I now have to I must now have a vector selected? In v7 it loaded onto the grid.
#2 b What’s more is when I select a vector and import an image, if part of the image falls without the vector (a none rectangular vector - let’s say I copied/pasted the original model’s outline and am using that an import vector), I can’t move the image until I hit done. At which point, the part of the image that fell without the vector has been removed.
#2 c Also, how about tying the heightmap image to the vector. Then things like resize, pattern, incremental move, etc. would work to change the model.
#2 d Okay one more. When I export a relief and import it again, the whole of the grid (during export) has been added as transparency to the image and so the import results in an unecessarily wide/tall image. I understand why some people would like that (e.g. positioning) but it would be fabulous if an option allowed the image to be the size of the actual model. In that way, when I select “resize to selection”, it would actually fill the vector I have selected with the model and not the transparent background grid.

Thanks and Have a great day