Since I want to get rolling and waiting for a Suck-it (or spending much more cash right now) or my friend with a 3d printer to help with a better solution, I whipped up something on the laser. Used some scrap 5 ply (5mm) baltic birch, some random hardware from the extras bin, and some 3mm craft foam. The nuts are just just there to compress the 3 layers of ply that were glued so I could drill that clamp portion, and the screw there just threads into the back wood (waxed threads, superglue soaked wood)
This is v3, v1-2 worked, but not well enough, and were a bit bulkier. If anyone wants the files, I can post them up.
V2, in action:
Also added in this control box for the vacuum. The Shopvac pulls too much with the smaller hose and tends to collapse the bucket on the dust devil. A simple AC voltage control board, tucked in a grounded gang box. Cuts the noise, especially running at ~60% speed.