Quick question: how to deselect?

When I import multiple shapes (or letters) at the same time they are grouped. How do I ungroup them?
Obvious keyboard shortcuts don’t work.
Didn’t see it in the manual.

sorry if this is a silly question…

Click away to deselect on an empty area.

To Ungroup use the icon:

To group:

When i click away, it deselects everything. Then when i click back on a single shape or letter, it selects the entire group. How do I select a single part of the group? or how do I ungroup?


The icon Will pointed out changes function - from group to ungroup - depending on whether the elements you are working with are grouped or not. Ungroup to select a single element.

This advice is from a novice user of Carbide Create.


Click on “Ungroup Vectors”:

Then either click-away to deselect everything, or shift-click on a specific element to remove it from the current selection — shift-clicking on an unselected element will add it to the current selection.

I don’t see that option

For text you will need to convert it into paths first, see:


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