Ramping start height for pockets

This has been posted about before, but those threads are now closed.

(I am running Build 640 for Mac)

I’ve been using the ramping option cutting aluminium. I have to say that it’s a great option and I always cringed when the cutter plunged (0.2mm) into the stock.

But is there any reason why the ramping tool path for pockets starts at full retract height? I am milling into Tee-shaped extrusion so the retract has to be about 20mm above the flat stock so it’s quite a journey before any cutting happens.

(The contouring tool path behaves as I would expect)

I don’t think CM has any control over (or even an knowledge of) the ramps. That’s all in Carbide Create. CM is just running what CC generated.

That’s a very good point. I should have tagged this with Carbide Create instead.

I would like to second this request! I’ve been cutting a lot of aluminum sheet metal (0.080") with pocket operations to create a panel with a grid pattern. Even using a 5 deg ramp and reducing my clearance to 0.25", the ramp down to the surface cumulatively can add an hour to my cut time (already at 5 hours). Ideally I would like to plunge to a defined height above the surface before starting the ramp.

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