Rattle Can Shaker

I use rattle can paint quite often. I found an easy and practical way to shake the cans without aggrevating my tennis elbow.

Cut a piece of 3" schedule 40 pvc pipe 10.5" inches long. Insert an Oatey 3" test plug in one end and tighten. The Oatey test plug came with a wing nut I replaced with a regular nut.

Take an old Tee shirt and cut a square out of the back.

Wrap the Tee shirt around the can and stuff the can and Tee shirt into the pvc pipe seating the can at the bottom.

Attach a drill to the Oatey bolt on the test plug. Set drill for high speed. Hold can in tube upright and spin for a few minutes.

I found this idea somewhere in the folds of the internet so I cannot give credit to whoever thought this up.

Works great just keep open end of pvc up to keep can from being ejected.

I bought an acrylic small bottle shaker but this would work just as well if not better and cheaper for mixing acrylic paint.


And here was me expecting that somebody had 3D printed some sort of modified dust book and was posting some GCode to make a Shapeoko can shaker :wink:

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