Re starting job in middle

I want to finish a job that disconnected twice on me near the end of a 3 hour run. I have 6 hours in this thing and I don’t want to cut any more air. I have searched some, but I cant seem to find a decent tutorial on this. I just want to get the project off the table so I can troubleshoot my problem…


Since the wiki is off-line:

If you must do this:

  • note what line the machine is currently sending (or determine where it was by measuring the deepest area correctly cut)
  • pause, then stop the job and shut things down
  • open up the G-Code file in a text editor
  • identify the preamble and copy it — see Supported G-codes
  • go to the line # noted above
  • scroll up from there until you find a move down from safety height
  • delete everything from the line above that line to the beginning of the file
  • paste in the preamble at the beginning
  • save under a new name

pauxier, not too sure if this will help. I’ve had the same problem while etching a USMC emblem on acrylic. It did this a couple of times before I thought I knew the problem. What I did was go back into the design and save the tool paths again. It was a detailed file and what happened was I had inadvertently saved the g-code and closed the file before it finished saving the tool paths which took a real long time. Hope this helped you out.

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