Recommended reading or tutorial on how to use 3D in CC?

Thanks Gary. You mean this document?

I did read that the last time I tried to dig into 3D modeling, and still have the same conclusion as you,
“Multiply” doesn’t do anything. I’ve tried many things & can’t get it to change the model at all.

Now that Rest Milling is coming out in PRO, I have a renewed interest in buying it. But with the lack of documentation or at least someone knowledgeable that can explain it, I just can’t justify the purchase.
It’s cool, I like it. I’ve been using it at the machine to do a lot of simple things. It will even do some things simply that I can’t do in NX without jumping through hoops. And I would happily invest in the software to continue it’s development.
I would even accept a humble “I don’t know.”, or “It’s broke, don’t use it.” But this “It’s obvious…” “Figure it out yourself…” “Trial & error” BS just doesn’t cut it!!