My XXL wires came with short wires for some reason. The lengths were inconsistent where some were extremely long and others were extremely short. So I had no other choice but to run some of it, like the homing and limit switch, off and out in the middle of the drag chain.
Anyway, I was going through my enclosure recently and felt like I needed to do some house cleaning with my setup and have decided to fix this. So for the stepper motors and limit switch, what type of wires are best suited for extending them?
I found the email that I sent to you guys about this issue when I was first setting up the machine and you guys were quick to respond. However, for what ever reason, I didn’t follow up on it and so the mistake is now on me.
Anyway, despite the wires/cables running short, I was able to provide a workaround and the Shapeoko has been running fine ever since. So this isn’t an issue that needs immediate attention. I’m just starting to get around to moving the control box outside of the enclosure instead of having it awkwardly positioned to accommodate the short wires.