Recreating a patch

as requested on support…

how can i make this jpeg fit on the carbide creat v7

First, import it into Carbide Create as a background/pixel image:

then, re-draw it…

Start by re-setting the text:

Then draw in the outline:

Then go into Node Edit mode:

and turn off Snap to Grid, and edit:

Inset the geometry:

re-draw everything else:


Thanks Will! I’ve just started working on a similar project recently and was trying to figure out how to do it. This is really helpful.

How do you set the “FOREST SERVICE” text to follow a curve, yet remain vertical? or, does that fall under re-draw everything else:?

That text had to be re-drawn.

Or, it could have been re-set using a drawing program which has the option of not rotating text on a curve.

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