Removing a small portion of a design

New to CNCs and Carbide Create. I have a design that I want the router to go into and remove a slot then cut a circle. I cannot figure out how to remove a small portion of a rectangle. Seems like I have tried every Union option without any luck. Any tips would be greatly appreciated…

Wine Stand.c2d (108 KB)

If you will extend your slot just passed the edge of your main component a boolean operation
will remove it for you.


Or, extend and use Trim Vectors — for a bit on this see:

If you get stuck, post the file.

In the future, make the slot extend past the edge of the object and use a boolean. For this project, everything appears to be on grid, so just draw a rectangle that includes the circled area and use the boolean remove.

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I copied the “keyhole” and centered the copy onto the original.
Wine for Forum Added new Keyhold

I then used the arrow keys to raise the keyhole so it sat outside the bigger vector. Basically, I made the rectangle portion longer.
Wine for Forum longer keyhole

Then I used the node editor to erase the circle part of the new keyhole.
Then I used a boolean Union/Weld to make them one piece.

Then I selected the Outisde boundary of the larger Vector and then selected the new keyhole piece and did a boolean subtraction…

Wow. That was the longest way I could have done this.

Wine for Forum

I used Node Edit, grabbed the top 2 nodes (rectangle select) and dragged them up.

Then select the outside vector, then one of the keyholes… subtract. Select the other keyhole… subtract.


That was the first thing I tried, but I noticed that I was not dragging them “straight” up.

Like several suggestions mentioned, I extended the rectangle beyond the frame and was then able to use one of the boolean operations to join them. I want to thank everyone for the tips and for their time looking into this for me - greatly appreciated. I am sure I will be on this forum quite a bit and hope that I can help someone someday.

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