I’ve noticed that, if I set up a toolpath to cut to the stock depth (Use Stock Bottom), the render does not show the cut going through the entire piece. I’m guessing that this is by design - because I haven’t heard anyone complain about it. I end up adding .0001 to the depth in order to make it render all the way through.
Is this really the way it’s supposed to work?
Set Stock Depth at .5000
Created two objects (Rectangle and Circle)
Created Toolpath for rectangle using “Use Stock Bottom”
Yeah…but the whole idea of saying “Use stock bottom” is to cut through the material. I certainly wouldn’t want to leave an onion skin (which is what it’s showing).
I don’t think the render should be deliberately inaccurate just to make sure one’s not overcutting (if that’s the reason). Maybe @robgrz can weigh in on the intention?
Making the hole RED to indicate overcutting would be a great suggestion - and consistent with the modeling tools of Pro.
Hey Rob…before you go stable with this release, is there any possibility that you might resolve the issue relating to the saving default name of GCode files? Current version maintains not only the last gcode directory, but the name of the .nc file. If you’re working on a new design, that old file could get overwritten if you’re not careful because it’s full path is defaulted into the name.
We had discussed this back in April (this request), which admittedly is the Cadillac of solutions and maybe overkill…but at least change the code so that it does not persist the file name beyond the current session.
In other words, within a CC session, the name is retained, however, if I close and reopen CC, it forgets the file name of the last .nc file…It would still remember the directory, but the file name would be blank.
That must be a very simple change…would you consider it?
We just made the change. When 624 is released, it’ll clear the filename but keep the directory after a file is loaded. (Which doesn’t require a lot of changes or testing)