Rent time on a 5 Pro in or near SoCal?

Hi Folks,

Anyone in San Diego or the greater SoCal area willing to let me rent time on a Shapeoko 5 Pro to run a test part or two? I’m happy to pay for the time, supply my own cutters if needed, and do this under the oversight and approval of the machine owner.

Considering purchasing a Shapeoko 5 Pro for an ongoing project I’m working on. In order to utilize the machine I will need to rent a shop space. Before I invest in the machine and the space I’d like to run 1 or 2 parts on a machine locally (if possible) to wrap my head around the process and make sure it will work for what I’m trying to accomplish (I’m 99.9% sure it will). Will just give me a lot of piece of mind for what I’m trying to accomplish.

Hoping to do this inside of the next 2 months, have 3d models and .stl files ready to go, and I’m currently learning the tool pathing process but would likely want the owner to look over my programming / review that before I run the part. Would to cut aluminum if thats important or a deal breaker.

If someone in or around SoCal would be willing to let me rent some time and walk me through this, I would really appreciate it. Please reach out and would love to connect.


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