I bought the Pro XXL in July, i worked it pretty hard for 2 straight months, I was the one that needed to cut over 9000 signs. Well that worked pretty well, but my Y belts seem to be needing replaced, getting some slippage, and lose tension daily. I can’t find replacement belts anywhere. The Pro was recently upgraded to 15mm wide belts, and they are not sold anywhere on the Wiki sheet for replacement parts. Any ideas? I have a lot of Christmas projects and I need the machine running smooth! TIA
Write us at support@carbide3d.com and we’ll get this taken care of.
I did, Mike R said to look to the forums.
Wow! Mike R must really be good for something.
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I recently ordered those POWGE 15mm GT2 belts from Ali, to have some spare for my Pro XXL.
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Thanks all! Belts purchased!
Found your ticket, I’ve raised it in team chat, and we’ll see what the powers that be say.
EDIT: We are including a set of belts with the other parts which you need. Please let us know at support@carbide3d.com if there’s anything else which we can do for you.
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