Restarting after a long break

After buying my Shapeoko Pro in Oct 2021, I got pregnant in March 2022, and after a year and some change of morning sickness, childbirth recovery, a newborn, and raising two other kids, I think I’m finally ready to get back to work. This of course means that I haven’t touched my CNC in a year, and I don’t even know if I remember how to use it.

Do you all have tips and tricks to getting things back up to speed? Things are dusty and I don’t want to mess it up while I’m trying to get back into it.

Since you were last here, we’ve moved most of the documentation over to:

and mostly it’s videos.

We’ve also updated Carbide Create quite a bit:

and there’s a beta of Carbide Motion which you might find a useful starting point if you need to reinstall:

(but your current software should be fine)

In particular, if you wish, you might want to review “Hello World”:

Naturally, if you get stuck or have any difficulties, let us know at

Give the machine a good clean, check it mechanically and give the carriages and rails some of the correct lubricant, according to the maintenance instructions.


Thank you Will and Andreas! I have a lot to catch up on, but I’m excited for the next steps.

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