Retract height at begin of the job

I am using the XL version with the bit setter.
Today I had of piece of wood which was “very high” (46mm) and a long 8mm router bit so not so much space left for the retract height . I selected 10mm retract height which was enough for the screw which holds the stock.
I set the right Z position with the selected router bit and started the job.
Bit setter checks again the router bit and after starting the router the bit hits the screw.
I stopped the machine and start again from the beginning.
The step before I start the router I saw the z height was 1,8mm and not as expected 10mm.
Is it possible that the retract height is not used for the first move from the “parking position” after the bit setter check over the stock ?

Thank you

Please post the .c2d file, generated G-Code (let us know the versions of Carbide Create and Motion) and describe the expected vs. the actual behavior and let us know step-by-step how you are securing your stock, its characteristics, and how you are setting zero relative to it and we’ll do our best to work through this with you.

I have an HDZ and the starting height after checking on the BitSetter and at the center position is pretty high. However I cannot say what the starting height is for other Z Axis types.

For this job there are several other fastening methods available.

  1. Painters tape and super glue.
  2. Adhesive tape.
  3. Cam type clamps.
  4. Carbide 3d Gator Tooth and Tiger Claw Clamps.
  5. Oops type clamps.
  6. Wooden type clamps like the Gator Tooth clamp which are holding the edge of the project with a bolt in the cutout of the clamp.
  7. Rockler Bit Saver Clamps

Personally I like cam clamps because they are low profile and have great holding strength. Mine are made of Red Oak with the grain running with the clamping force.

These clamps were from Myers Woodshop on youtube. He links them to his website and were free or you could buy them on etsy.


Ok here the missing details:
CC 514
CM 513
Stock zero 48mm / Zero Height = Top
Stock is fixed by screws (see picture)

and here the GCODE: (203.6 KB)

and a screen shot:

  • Machine was on and did a job before
  • Screw the stock to the waste board
  • Setting Z zero by hand (Shapeoko BitZero does not fit)
  • load job in CM
  • Start job
    • bit setter is used
    • Z = 1,8 (see picture above (same stock but the other side, from the first i did not make a picture)

In the situation which the 2. picture is showing, the z axis shall go to to retract height (in this case Z=10mm) after I have pressed the “Resume” button to be sure that the clamping screw is not hit.

My solution in this case: I drilled a bigger hole so the head of the screw was below the Z level and afterwards the job worked.

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