Round horse racing game

Does anyone know where I can purchase a file to do a round horse racing game?
Thank you!

Looks to be simple enough to draw up — it’s just some circles and lines — what size do you want to make it? Out of what material? (thickness?)

There are some files for similar games/the necessary techniques at:

If you get stuck drawing it, put up the file here and we’ll walk through it with you.

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The problem is we are looking for a round one - 28" or so and I don’t know where to start

Set up the file:

Draw in the circle:

Then source an image on this — there is an article at:


Then begin drawing in the various elements:

Since there are 12 rows, create an array of 12 squares and circles for the beginning point:

Reposition as necessary:

and duplicate to create beginning/end points:

Then draw in circles for the course:

Then draw in a square to “notch” the circles — this will be easier with a center square (or one could reduce the size of the grid):

Select all the circles and the new square:

then use Trim Vectors:

to remove what is not wanted:

continuing until one arrives at:


If need be, restore the outermost circle:

Probably the lines should have ended at the mid-point of the squares, this is easily done by selecting all of the arcs:

and going into Node Edit mode to remove the begin/end nodes:


Then it is simply a matter of selecting a circle from a begin/end point and using Circular Array:

to duplicate as needed around the course…

Count the circles on the track and select a set which have the same number:

and repeat for each:

and if need be go back and repeat since one fewer was necessary.

Attached as a v8 file.

round horse race game_v8.c2d (132 KB)

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