Router/Z axis issues

Ive had a S4 xxl for a few months now and have run into this issue before. When the router is moving along the Z, it sounds very, very bumpy and almost “grinding” (for lack of a better word). It was also bottoming out and burning workpieces and way off the depth set. When I spoke with support last month, I questioned if it needed to be oiled and was told being brand new that didn’t seem to the be issue…and it was more of a wiring thing.
I was sent new wires by C3D, installed them, and it seemed to fix the depth issue but not the grinding/bumpy travel on the Z.
I was working on a piece about 30 minutes ago and it bottomed out and burned another workpiece for a client. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Thank you for any help.

**I can’t load a video here demonstrating the grinding up and down the Z, but have attached a picture of the burned piece for reference.

Is the but slipping in the collet? Are
You using 2 wrenches to tighten or one wrench and the button? The button should only be used to get the collet snug enough that the bit doesn’t fall out until you can tighten with both wrenches.

Grinding certainly doesn’t sound good. Doesn’t do that when you jog up and down when not actually cutting?

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Appreciate the reply. It is not a bit/collet issue…it is the router “grinding” when it is moving up/down the screw (z axis). I wish I could load the video to show what I mean.

Ex. When I jog the machine to set the Zero, it is smooth as can be running on the XY axis…when I lower it to the zero point, and it moves down the screw, it sounds like it is grinding while lowering…and the same when raising off the new zero point. When it moves to the Bitsetter, it is smooth moving on the XY, then grinds when the bit is lowering onto the Bitsetter, then grinds on the way back up. The last time I ran it, it actually stopped on the Bitsetter and was stuck. I have no idea what could be wrong at this point as when I spoke with help they thought it was a wiring issue, but this has been fixed and it is still happening.

Please let us know about this at

Appreciate it. This is an ongoing problem I’ve had since I purchased the machine in April. Support has helped with me with this issue; I’ve rewired and installed a new motherboard and it doesnt seem to help. Is it possible there is an issue with the screw (where the router travels up and down the Z-axis)? I’ve oiled/lubed the rails and screw, but it has not helped either.
At any rate, I appreciate the help, as always. Take care

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