Rpm values for Shapeoko Pro

Using Carbide Create (V7) and my Shapeoko Pro, the suggested rpm spindle values are always 10,000 rpm independent of the material or spindle type. I am wondering if this correct? Or have these values not been updated in the software? I saw a chart for the Shapeoko 3 online where the rpm values differed greatly. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

make sure you’re pulling from different tool libraries. I think (?) rpms change based on what material library you are in.

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Thanks a lot. I am using the default tool library in Carbide Create (build 743). The RPMs are all at 10,000 for ALL materials and ALL spindles.

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That shouldn’t be the case:

#282 in aluminum:

18000 RPM.

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Thanks a lot. I realized my mistake - I selected Nomad Pro instead of Shapeoko. I think I got confused since the endmills are from Nomad Tools.

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