We do have a list at: https://wiki.shapeoko.com/index.php/Carbide_Create#Resources
[http://chaunax.github.io/projects/twhl-box/twhl.html Generate rabbeted boxes for Carbide Create ][Rabbeted box generator for Carbide Create][Rabbeted box generator for Carbide Create]
Generating square grids and curved surfaces: Cutter Pack Giveaway! — includes notes on the file format of .c2d files (JSON).
http://laser.woutvdd.be/ — laser support [https://www.reddit.com/r/hobbycnc/comments/8a8s3j/carbide_create_laser_mach3_parser/]
unofficial converter from .c2d to .svg (doesn’t handle curves): https://www.facebook.com/groups/unofficialshapeoko/324663387941627/ (requires membership in the unofficial Shapeoko Facebook group)
[https://gist.github.com/FrankBuss/33edc1ac2a07f58632894dabc3459131 Python 3 script: merge-c2d.py] [Combining 2 c2d files?]
(and apparently merging was already done once)
I’d like to include this sort of thing in my nascent Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/designinto3d/917478342/preview?ref=pbuild_dashboard#project-preview (link requires one be logged into a Kickstarter account I believe)