How can I save files in Pro 764 so I can open them again.
When I use resent files to open CCP it appears with a strange defaults and no design. When opening by clicking on the file in explorer
I got the message “Error The selected file no longer exists”
In CC free version this is not a problem.
I’m tired of redesigning all the time.
Where are you saving your files?
Using what file name?
Are you using non-ASCII characters in the file name or path?
If so, please try using a path/filename which limits the used characters to 7-bit ASCII (0-9, A-Z, a-z, -, _, &c.) and the path separator for your system (either / or ).
You wont like this but you have a localized problem. On some older machines you have a rotating disk and spots on the disk can become bad. Suggest you run a defrag on your disk and if you have any disk utilities analyze your disk. My last laptop had a bad disk and I replaced it with a solid state disk. That was quite a pain on a laptop because you have to crack the case. You need to have a good backup to restore after disk replacement. If you are transmitting the file over a network that could also be a problem because the file is becoming corrupted in transmission. Check to see if you are getting a lot of resends on the network if you are moving the file around on your local network.
Thanks William
There was a Danish letter in the path. Now it works.
That has not bin a problem in other software for ages
Hi Guy
That was not the problem.
I have automatic analyzing every week
Are you on a Mac or Windows?
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit