Hello, Everyone, I hope it’s okay to post this here.
Howdy, I live in Los Angeles. I am need of a small CNC machine in good working condition for my home shop. I don’t have room for anything larger than a Shapeoko 3, ideally with a 12" x 12" table. I’m a guitarist and musician, so I have name-brand guitars and mandolins galore to trade – good ones too; I’m not into cheap instruments – plus lots of accessories – strings, tuners, straps, mics, you name it. I have a bunch of other stuff too, like an older Toyota Camry, a vintage Klein mountain bike, computers, printers, etc., you name it.
If anyone local to SoCal is interested, please post here or email me directly at StevenHeditch @ gmail. I’m a good guy, honest and fair, very easy to deal with. I’ve built my little side by never borrowing money, always paying cash or trading for something, and pinching my pennies.
I’ve learned that if I’m patient the right situation will present itself, so I’m putting this out there to see if anyone’s interested. Thanks for reading my post.