Hi all. I intend to split up my 4x4 to be part waste board part fixture plate (40/60) and I was thinking how useful it would be to be able to set multiple favorites for our zero’s to skip alot of the legwork as I find I’ve probably spent a good 5% of my time on the 5 Pro just setting zeros, jogging over setting my corner, measuring the tool, jogging back, setting my z zero then I can start my cut. Maybe you all zero from the exact same spot every time but I imagine anyone going from 3d flip jigs to 2d to largescale 3d on and off over and over again might really benefit from this.
I don’t know if I’m a niche case that would appreciate this but would love to hear from the community if this is something you would all like too.
Thanks Will, how would I go about that? I won’t be able to afford a professional fusion license for a while which is why I’d probably want the fixture plate on the right side of the machine.
Once you have set a X-Y zero once, you can record the Machine co-ordinates for that zero, and then use them in a Quick Action to easily get back to the same position.
That should be accurate to the accuracy limits of your limit switches.