Selling Shapok5 4x4

I live in SE Texas and Have a Shapoko 5 4x4 with compact router endmill starter kit, essential clamp kit standard bit runner and a bit zero. I can’t use it because my short term memory is hit and miss. They say it is from my time in Iraq. I can’t remember much and it is frustrating. Faces, names, roads, and the list goes on. I have to relearn things daily so I can’t get better. It is on a 4 wheeled cart and I can’t ship because I have 2 bad shoulders. Thanks for looking. My email is <e-mail address removed out of privacy considerations — please use a PM> Asking 3500.00 OBO

Thank you for your service. Very much appreciated, and prayers for your recovery!

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Hi Daniel,

First off, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! I appreciate you more than you could ever know! Next, I urge you to contact the Tulane Center for Brain Health. They have a program specifically for veterans that is phenomenal at NO COST to you!! Here are some articles: Tulane Scroll through them to learn more about the program. I learned about the program by volunteering with Louisiana Dept of Wildlife & Fisheries VIP Program. They had a Brain Fest there and I worked the event. I was really impressed with all of the resources. I hope this helps you! Take care!!


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