Setting my start point

Sorry for not looking this up but im in a rush and everyone is usually fast here…

I need to set my start point in the middle of a circle. How to i move that tiny little red and wite dot?



I think @Tod1d thinks that your circle is centered on the material. If that is true his method would work. However if the circle is not in the middle of the project then that wont work, maybe. You can only set the origin in certain places. You cannot set the origin just anywhere. Whatever origin you pick CC figures out how far away all your objects are and writes the gcode appropriately. To accomplish that your material has to be accurately measured. So you can see from Tod’s picture any of those origins would work but not random points.

Ah, good point. I read “center of workpiece”. If the circles not in the center, you can make the workpiece big enough to put it in the center then just reposition everything so that circle is centered.

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